Millions and millions and millions of words

The library's computer system allows us to keep track of how many words our Year 7 and 8 students read each week. This is based on their AR book quizzes. We have three Year 7 students who have read over one million words this term. Congratulations to:

Nic Berman 7A, Hannah Robinson 7E and Elliot Coates 7N

As well as looking at individual word counts, every week we update the number of words each form has read collectively and display them on the AR board in the library. You will find them on the AR points tables. Here are the current tables:

We must also mention the students who have earned silver stars for their AR quizzing this week:
Molly Sandford Smith 7L, Elliot Coates 7N, Eliana Servadei 7R and Katie Penn 8N

Millions and millions and millions of words Millions and millions and millions of words Reviewed by Beaumont School Library on 14:37 Rating: 5
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