AR league tables - the half-time scores are in.

As we start our half-term break, here is the latest AR news from Year 7 and Year 8. Since the beginning of the Spring Term an amazing 337 stars have been earned by students who have scored 100% on their AR quizzes. So far 15 students have been awarded silver stars (for scoring 100% on at least five quizzes) and 6 students have been awarded gold stars (100% on at least ten quizzes). The following students have read one million words:
Nic Berman 7A, Hannah Robinson 7E and Sam Flury 7E. Congratulations also to Elliot Coates 7N for breaking the two million words barrier.

Well done to all the students who have passed AR quizzes so far this term. Here are the latest league tables:

Happy half-term reading everyone!
AR league tables - the half-time scores are in. AR league tables - the half-time scores are in. Reviewed by Beaumont School Library on 14:56 Rating: 5
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