Year 7 student strikes double AR gold

Congratulations to Hannah Robinson in 7E for earning a second AR gold star during the Summer Term. This is a great achievement by Hannah who has now scored 100% in twenty-two AR quizzes...fantastic reading! A big round of applause also for the following students who have been awarded silver stars for scoring 100% on five book quizzes:

7A Maisie Kemp
7E Sam Flury
7N Sam Mackinnon
8L Helen Ross
8S Paris Hall

We must also mention Jake Morrish in 7L who has read 1 million words so far this term. This word count is based on Jake's AR quiz activity and is an impressive milestone. 

All students who passed a book quiz last week will have added to their form's points total. Here are the latest standings:

Year 7 student strikes double AR gold Year 7 student strikes double AR gold Reviewed by Beaumont School Library on 08:28 Rating: 5
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