Nicky Singer inspires Beaumont students

'Nicky Singer went into such detail and really explained every aspect of the writing process. It was great to meet such a unique author and get a behind-the-scenes look at what really makes a good book.' Evie, Year 7.

Evie's comment about writer Nicky Singer sums up what our students felt after listening to her talk in the library during our recent Children's Book Award Discussion Day. During her visit, Nicky gave the students a real insight into her life as an author and some invaluable tips on how to write. Here are some of the things we learned:
You have to have self-belief to be a writer. You need to be able say to yourself not 'I failed' but 'I tried, it didn't work so I'll try something else.'
Tell yourself: 'I can do anything as long as I want to enough.' Don't be contained.
As an author you have to step into someone else's shoes, inhabit their soul.
Be really nosy: listen, poke around in things. Ask people to explain to you how they feel; writing is about feeling.
Never put a real person in a book, they can't behave with the freedom you would like in the story.

Many thanks once again to Nicky for spending the day with us at Beaumont and inspiring our students.

Read more about Nicky's visit in the following Herts Advertiser article:
Nicky Singer inspires Beaumont students Nicky Singer inspires Beaumont students Reviewed by Beaumont School Library on 15:28 Rating: 5
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