Promoting 'The Giver' with pedal power!

Members of staff have been taking to their bicycles during the lunch break to promote our current whole school read The Giver by Lois Lowry. As bicycles play an important part in the story, this is a very apt way to bring the book to the attention of students who have yet to read it. Special mention to Mr Tatham, the only member of staff who was able to 'pop a wheelie'!

To support the whole school read, there is a whole range of activities for students to take part in across the school curriculum, including a book quiz which can be found on our dedicated The Giver Google Classroom (code o9f9p1s).

Events will also include an in-school screening of the movie adaptation of The Giver (popcorn included!) for all those students who have read, reviewed and taken part in one of the activities based on the book. Everyone who reads and reviews The Giver also receives one of our custom-made, exclusive-to-Beaumont button badges featuring, of course, a bicycle!

Promoting 'The Giver' with pedal power! Promoting 'The Giver' with pedal power! Reviewed by Beaumont School Library on 11:33 Rating: 5
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