More quizzing success for Beaumont readers

Year 7 and Year 8 students passed over 120 book quizzes in their AR lessons last week...fantastic reading! As you can see from the photo, the AR board in the library is brimming with all the stars awarded to students over the Spring Term. 

The following pupils achieved silver and gold stars last week:

Silver (100% on five quizzes)
7E Sophie Austin
7L Alex Camp, Leila Macpherson
8E Kate Evans
8N Susie Weidmann
8R Dilshan Andersson

Gold (100% on ten quizzes)
7E Lilia Prowse - this is Lilia's second gold star this term!

The following readers reached significant word count milestones last week:

One million words read this term
7E Sophie Austin
7R Eve Worsley

Two million words read this term
7E Lilia Prowse

Here are the latest league tables:

More quizzing success for Beaumont readers More quizzing success for Beaumont readers Reviewed by Beaumont School Library on 17:15 Rating: 5
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